USP-S | Night Ops (Factory New)

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A fan favorite from Counter-Strike Source, the Silenced USP Pistol has a detachable silencer that gives shots less recoil while suppressing attention-getting noise. It has been painted using a VariCamo patterned hydrographic. Rebuilding only comes in the wake of destruction

The Lake Collection

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Marketplace Steam skinbaron SkinBaron
Current Price
The cheapest current price on the respective marketplace.
Active Offers
Numbers of offers available for purchase on the respective marketplace.
Figures30 days365 days
Median Price
Median price is the value exactly in the middle of a data distribution. Half of all individual data is always smaller, the other half larger than the median. With an even number of individual data, the median is half the sum of the two values ​​in the middle. Compared to the average, the median is much less sensitive to isolated upward or downward swings and thus shows a cleaner mean.
Sold Quantity
Sold quantity of the respective CS:GO item on steam in the defined time frame.
Volatility describes the fluctuations in a price trend. It indicates the range in which the actual price has moved in the past around a certain trend. The higher the volatility, the less stable an item is in its price.
Standard Deviation
Standard Deviation is a statistic that measures the dispersion of a dataset relative to its mean. The standard deviation is calculated as the square root of variance by determining each data point's deviation relative to the mean. If the data points are further from the mean, there is a higher deviation within the data set.
Highest Price
The Highest Price, the items was sold to a customer in the respective time frame.
Lowest Price
The Lowest Price, the items was sold to a customer in the respective time frame.